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"But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14).

Do you find it challenging to share your heart for Jesus with the people you love? Now you can literally wear your heart on your sleeve. Get one today and let the living water flow!

Protect your phone and the environment all in one go! This phone case is eco-friendly and 100% biodegradable. Cover your phone with a unique case to protect it from drops and scratches in style.

• 100% biodegradable materials
• Components: soil (30%), onions (7.5%), carrots (7.5%), pepper (7.5%), sawdust (1.5%), rice (18%),
soybeans (18%), wheat (10%)
• Thickness: over 1.8mm
• Anti-shock protections
• Decomposes in approximately 1 year
• Packaged in a degradable and protective CPE 07 bag and shipped in a carton box
• The SE case fits the 2020 iPhone SE model

Well of Living Water | Biodegradable iPhone Case

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